Archbishop Leonty (+1971) and the Greek Old Calendarists [part 7]

(Continue from here ) One more photo from the new Synod of the Genuine [True] Orthodox of Greece in 1962. From left: (seated) Bishop Chrysostomos of Magnesia, Bishop Parthenios of Cyclades, Bishop Akakios of Talantion, Bishop Auxentios of Gardikion, (standing) Bishop Akakios of Diavleias, Bishop Gerontios of Salamis. The Initial Reactions to Archbishop Leonty and his Consecrations The news of the re-establishment of the Hierarchy of the Genuine Orthodox of Greece with the consecrations performed by Archbishop Leonty spread rapidly and was enthusiastically welcomed by the Orthodox to whom it became known. In a letter from Komnios on July 25th to the Heraklion branch [of the P.T.E.O.K.] in Crete, we read: “ The past period was consumed with efforts to constitute our leadership. God was well pleased, and after many efforts, an Orthodox Russian Archbishop from South America came, who, together with our own shepherd Akakios, consecrated five other bishops, and thus we now have a ...