
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Ιανουάριος, 2025

Archbishop Leonty (+1971) and the Greek Old Calendarists [part 13]

(Continue from  here ) Photo of Archbishop Leonty published in the P.T.E.O.K. magazine "The Lighthouse of Orthodoxy" (issue 2, August 31, 1964) On the side of the People of God The People of God [1] consist of all the faithful, both clergy and laity, from the highest Bishop to the least layperson; and especially those who not only bear the name of Christians but also keep the commandments of God. Some of what has been written in the previous chapters, as well as what will follow, may scandalize some who believe that ecclesiastical life is a paradisiacal existence on earth and that all Christians are incarnate angels living without scandals. The entirety of ecclesiastical history [2] includes strife, divisions, and great temptations, for the militant Church battles with the devil himself, who desires—albeit vainly, according to the truthful words of our Lord [3]—to abolish it. And the devil, to accomplish his work, even uses members of the Church, through their passions, when ...

Archbishop Leonty (+1971) and the Greek Old Calendarists [part 12]

(Continue from  here ) Bishop Peter of Astoria and Archbishop Leonty of Chile (Astoria DC, 60s) New Primates in the Churches of the G.O.C. of Greece and ROCOR  ( and concerning the election of Bishops) Within a six-month period (December 1963 – May 1964), new Primates were elected in the Churches of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece and for the Russians Abroad. The manner in which these elections were conducted in the two cases was not only entirely different, but also resulted in completely opposite outcomes. In the Church of the G.O.C., the election of the new Primate was conducted hastily and caused divisions, whereas in the ROCOR, the election was carried out after many days of discussion, much prayer, and daily Liturgies, leading to unity and progress. In detail, in Greece, the issue arose with the repose of Bishop Akakios of Talantion on December 1/14, 1963. The election of the new Primate was decided by Bishops Auxentios of Gardikion, Akakios of Diavleia, and Ge...